
The flexible, fast, and secure
template engine for PHP

a Symfony Product
Docs Deprecated Features
Docs for Twig version 1.x
Switch to another version: 2.x, 3.x
⚠️ Version 1.x is not maintained.

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Deprecated Features

This document lists all deprecated features in Twig. Deprecated features are kept for backward compatibility and removed in the next major release (a feature that was deprecated in Twig 1.x is removed in Twig 2.0).

Deprecation Notices

As of Twig 1.21, Twig generates deprecation notices when a template uses deprecated features. See Recipes for more information.


As of Twig 2.0, macros imported in a file are not available in child templates anymore (via an include call for instance). You need to import macros explicitly in each file where you are using them.

Token Parsers

  • As of Twig 1.x, the token parser broker sub-system is deprecated. The following class and interface will be removed in 2.0:

    • Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface
    • Twig_TokenParserBroker
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Parser::getFilename() is deprecated. From a token parser, use $this->parser->getStream()->getSourceContext()->getPath() instead.
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Parser::getEnvironment() is deprecated.


  • As of Twig 1.x, the ability to remove an extension is deprecated and the \Twig\Environment::removeExtension() method will be removed in 2.0.
  • As of Twig 1.23, the \Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface::initRuntime() method is deprecated. You have two options to avoid the deprecation notice: if you implement this method to store the environment for your custom filters, functions, or tests, use the needs_environment option instead; if you have more complex needs, explicitly implement \Twig\Extension\InitRuntimeInterface (not recommended).
  • As of Twig 1.23, the \Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface::getGlobals() method is deprecated. Implement \Twig\Extension\GlobalsInterface to avoid deprecation notices.
  • As of Twig 1.26, the \Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface::getName() method is deprecated and it is not used internally anymore.


PEAR support has been discontinued in Twig 1.15.1, and no PEAR packages are provided anymore. Use Composer instead.


  • As of Twig 1.x, use \Twig\TwigFilter to add a filter. The following classes and interfaces will be removed in 2.0:

    • Twig_FilterInterface
    • Twig_FilterCallableInterface
    • Twig_Filter
    • Twig_Filter_Function
    • Twig_Filter_Method
    • Twig_Filter_Node
  • As of Twig 2.x, the Twig_SimpleFilter class is deprecated and will be removed in Twig 3.x (use \Twig\TwigFilter instead). In Twig 2.x, Twig_SimpleFilter is just an alias for \Twig\TwigFilter.


  • As of Twig 1.x, use \Twig\TwigFunction to add a function. The following classes and interfaces will be removed in 2.0:

    • Twig_FunctionInterface
    • Twig_FunctionCallableInterface
    • Twig_Function
    • Twig_Function_Function
    • Twig_Function_Method
    • Twig_Function_Node
  • As of Twig 2.x, the Twig_SimpleFunction class is deprecated and will be removed in Twig 3.x (use \Twig\TwigFunction instead). In Twig 2.x, Twig_SimpleFunction is just an alias for \Twig\TwigFunction.


  • As of Twig 1.x, use \Twig\TwigTest to add a test. The following classes and interfaces will be removed in 2.0:

    • Twig_TestInterface
    • Twig_TestCallableInterface
    • Twig_Test
    • Twig_Test_Function
    • Twig_Test_Method
    • Twig_Test_Node
  • As of Twig 2.x, the Twig_SimpleTest class is deprecated and will be removed in Twig 3.x (use \Twig\TwigTest instead). In Twig 2.x, Twig_SimpleTest is just an alias for \Twig\TwigTest.
  • The sameas and divisibleby tests are deprecated in favor of same as and divisible by respectively.


  • As of Twig 1.x, the raw tag is deprecated. You should use verbatim instead.


  • As of Twig 1.x, Node::toXml() is deprecated and will be removed in Twig 2.0.
  • As of Twig 1.26, Node::$nodes should only contains \Twig\Node\Node instances, storing a null value is deprecated and won't be possible in Twig 2.x.
  • As of Twig 1.27, the filename attribute on \Twig\Node\ModuleNode is deprecated. Use getName() instead.
  • As of Twig 1.27, the \Twig\Node\Node::getFilename()/\Twig\Node\Node::getLine() methods are deprecated, use \Twig\Node\Node::getTemplateName()/\Twig\Node\Node::getTemplateLine() instead.


  • As of Twig 2.x, the following interfaces are deprecated and empty (they will be removed in Twig 3.0):
  • Twig_CompilerInterface (use \Twig\Compiler instead)
  • Twig_LexerInterface (use \Twig\Lexer instead)
  • Twig_NodeInterface (use \Twig\Node\Node instead)
  • Twig_ParserInterface (use \Twig\Parser instead)
  • \Twig\Loader\ExistsLoaderInterface (merged with \Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface)
  • \Twig\Loader\SourceContextLoaderInterface (merged with \Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface)
  • Twig_TemplateInterface (use \Twig\Template instead, and use those constants TwigTemplate::ANY_CALL, TwigTemplate::ARRAY_CALL, TwigTemplate::METHOD_CALL)


  • As of Twig 1.26, the \Twig\Compiler::getFilename() has been deprecated. You should not use it anyway as its values is not reliable.
  • As of Twig 1.27, the \Twig\Compiler::addIndentation() has been deprecated. Use \Twig\Compiler::write('') instead.


  • As of Twig 1.x, Twig_Loader_String is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. You can render a string via \Twig\Environment::createTemplate().
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface::getSource() is deprecated. Implement \Twig\Loader\SourceContextLoaderInterface instead and use getSourceContext().

Node Visitors

  • Because of the removal of Twig_NodeInterface in 2.0, you need to extend \Twig\NodeVisitor\AbstractNodeVisitor instead of implementing \Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface directly to make your node visitors compatible with both Twig 1.x and 2.x.


  • As of Twig 2.x, the ability to register a global variable after the runtime or the extensions have been initialized is not possible anymore (but changing the value of an already registered global is possible).
  • As of Twig 1.x, using the _self global variable to get access to the current \Twig\Template instance is deprecated; most usages only need the current template name, which will continue to work in Twig 2.0. In Twig 2.0, _self returns the current template name instead of the current \Twig\Template instance. If you are using {{ _self.templateName }}, just replace it with {{ _self }}.


  • As of Twig 1.x, \Twig\Environment::clearTemplateCache(), \Twig\Environment::writeCacheFile(), \Twig\Environment::clearCacheFiles(), \Twig\Environment::getCacheFilename(), \Twig\Environment::getTemplateClassPrefix(), \Twig\Environment::getLexer(), \Twig\Environment::getParser(), and \Twig\Environment::getCompiler() are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.
  • As of Twig 1.x, \Twig\Template::getEnvironment() and Twig_TemplateInterface::getEnvironment() are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.
  • As of Twig 1.21, setting the environment option autoescape to true is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Use "html" instead.
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Error\Error::getTemplateFile() and \Twig\Error\Error::setTemplateFile() are deprecated. Use \Twig\Error\Error::getTemplateName() and \Twig\Error\Error::setTemplateName() instead.
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Template::getSource() is deprecated. Use \Twig\Template::getSourceContext() instead.
  • As of Twig 1.27, \Twig\Parser::addHandler() and \Twig\Parser::addNodeVisitor() are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.
  • As of Twig 1.29, some classes are marked as being final via the `@final` annotation. Those classes will be marked as final in 2.0.