Extending Twig
Twig can be extended in many ways; you can add extra tags, filters, tests, operators, global variables, and functions. You can even extend the parser itself with node visitors.
The first section of this chapter describes how to extend Twig. If you want to reuse your changes in different projects or if you want to share them with others, you should then create an extension as described in the following section.
When extending Twig without creating an extension, Twig won't be able to recompile your templates when the PHP code is updated. To see your changes in real-time, either disable template caching or package your code into an extension (see the next section of this chapter).
Before extending Twig, you must understand the differences between all the different possible extension points and when to use them.
First, remember that Twig has two main language constructs:
{{ }}
: used to print the result of an expression evaluation;{% %}
: used to execute statements.
To understand why Twig exposes so many extension points, let's see how to implement a Lorem ipsum generator (it needs to know the number of words to generate).
You can use a lipsum
{% lipsum 40 %}
That works, but using a tag for lipsum
is not a good idea for at least
three main reasons:
is not a language construct;- The tag outputs something;
The tag is not flexible as you cannot use it in an expression:
{{ 'some text' ~ {% lipsum 40 %} ~ 'some more text' }}
In fact, you rarely need to create tags; and that's good news because tags are the most complex extension point.
Now, let's use a lipsum
{{ 40|lipsum }}
Again, it works. But a filter should transform the passed value to something
else. Here, we use the value to indicate the number of words to generate (so,
is an argument of the filter, not the value we want to transform).
Next, let's use a lipsum
{{ lipsum(40) }}
Here we go. For this specific example, the creation of a function is the extension point to use. And you can use it anywhere an expression is accepted:
1 2 3
{{ 'some text' ~ lipsum(40) ~ 'some more text' }}
{% set lipsum = lipsum(40) %}
Lastly, you can also use a global object with a method able to generate lorem ipsum text:
{{ text.lipsum(40) }}
As a rule of thumb, use functions for frequently used features and global objects for everything else.
Keep in mind the following when you want to extend Twig:
What? | Implementation difficulty? | How often? | When? |
macro | simple | frequent | Content generation |
global | simple | frequent | Helper object |
function | simple | frequent | Content generation |
filter | simple | frequent | Value transformation |
tag | complex | rare | DSL language construct |
test | simple | rare | Boolean decision |
operator | simple | rare | Values transformation |
Global variables are available in all templates and macros. Use addGlobal()
to add a global variable to a Twig environment:
1 2
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$twig->addGlobal('text', new Text());
You can then use the text
variable anywhere in a template:
{{ text.lipsum(40) }}
Creating a filter consists of associating a name with a PHP callable:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
// an anonymous function
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', function ($string) {
return str_rot13($string);
// or a simple PHP function
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', 'str_rot13');
// or a class static method
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', ['SomeClass', 'rot13Filter']);
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', 'SomeClass::rot13Filter');
// or a class method
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', [$this, 'rot13Filter']);
// the one below needs a runtime implementation (see below for more information)
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', ['SomeClass', 'rot13Filter']);
The first argument passed to the \Twig\TwigFilter
constructor is the name of the
filter you will use in templates and the second one is the PHP callable to
associate with it.
Then, add the filter to the Twig environment:
1 2
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
And here is how to use it in a template:
1 2 3
{{ 'Twig'|rot13 }}
{# will output Gjvt #}
When called by Twig, the PHP callable receives the left side of the filter
(before the pipe |
) as the first argument and the extra arguments passed
to the filter (within parentheses ()
) as extra arguments.
For instance, the following code:
1 2
{{ 'TWIG'|lower }}
{{ now|date('d/m/Y') }}
is compiled to something like the following:
1 2
<?php echo strtolower('TWIG') ?>
<?php echo twig_date_format_filter($now, 'd/m/Y') ?>
The \Twig\TwigFilter
class takes an array of options as its last argument:
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', 'str_rot13', $options);
Charset-aware Filters
If you want to access the default charset in your filter, set the
option to true
; Twig will pass the default charset as the
first argument to the filter call:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', function (string $charset, $string) {
return str_rot13($string);
}, ['needs_charset' => true]);
Environment-aware Filters
If you want to access the current environment instance in your filter, set the
option to true
; Twig will pass the current
environment as the first argument to the filter call:
1 2 3 4 5 6
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', function (\Twig\Environment $env, $string) {
// get the current charset for instance
$charset = $env->getCharset();
return str_rot13($string);
}, ['needs_environment' => true]);
Context-aware Filters
If you want to access the current context in your filter, set the
option to true
; Twig will pass the current context as
the first argument to the filter call (or the second one if
is also set to true
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', function ($context, $string) {
// ...
}, ['needs_context' => true]);
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', function (\Twig\Environment $env, $context, $string) {
// ...
}, ['needs_context' => true, 'needs_environment' => true]);
Automatic Escaping
If automatic escaping is enabled, the output of the filter may be escaped
before printing. If your filter acts as an escaper (or explicitly outputs HTML
or JavaScript code), you will want the raw output to be printed. In such a
case, set the is_safe
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('nl2br', 'nl2br', ['is_safe' => ['html']]);
Some filters may need to work on input that is already escaped or safe, for
example when adding (safe) HTML tags to originally unsafe output. In such a
case, set the pre_escape
option to escape the input data before it is run
through your filter:
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('somefilter', 'somefilter', ['pre_escape' => 'html', 'is_safe' => ['html']]);
Variadic Filters
When a filter should accept an arbitrary number of arguments, set the
option to true
; Twig will pass the extra arguments as the
last argument to the filter call as an array:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('thumbnail', function ($file, array $options = []) {
// ...
}, ['is_variadic' => true]);
Be warned that named arguments passed to a variadic filter cannot be checked for validity as they will automatically end up in the option array.
Dynamic Filters
A filter name containing the special *
character is a dynamic filter and
the *
part will match any string:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('*_path', function ($name, $arguments) {
// ...
The following filters are matched by the above defined dynamic filter:
A dynamic filter can define more than one dynamic parts:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('*_path_*', function ($name, $suffix, $arguments) {
// ...
The filter receives all dynamic part values before the normal filter arguments,
but after the environment and the context. For instance, a call to
will result in the following arguments to be passed to the
filter: ('a', 'b', 'Paris')
Deprecated Filters
The deprecation_info
option was added in Twig 3.15.
You can mark a filter as being deprecated by setting the deprecation_info
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('obsolete', function () {
// ...
}, ['deprecation_info' => new DeprecatedCallableInfo('twig/twig', '3.11', 'new_one')]);
The DeprecatedCallableInfo
constructor takes the following parameters:
- The Composer package name that defines the filter;
- The version when the filter was deprecated.
Optionally, you can also provide the following parameters about an alternative:
- The package name that contains the alternative filter;
- The alternative filter name that replaces the deprecated one;
- The package version that added the alternative filter.
When a filter is deprecated, Twig emits a deprecation notice when compiling a template using it. See Recipes for more information.
Before Twig 3.15, you can mark a filter as being deprecated by setting the
option to true
. You can also give an alternative filter
that replaces the deprecated one when that makes sense:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('obsolete', function () {
// ...
}, ['deprecated' => true, 'alternative' => 'new_one']);
The deprecating_package
option was added in Twig 3.11.
You can also set the deprecating_package
option to specify the package
that is deprecating the filter, and deprecated
can be set to the
package version when the filter was deprecated:
1 2 3
$filter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('obsolete', function () {
// ...
}, ['deprecated' => '1.1', 'deprecating_package' => 'twig/some-package']);
Functions are defined in the exact same way as filters, but you need to create
an instance of \Twig\TwigFunction
1 2 3 4 5
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$function = new \Twig\TwigFunction('function_name', function () {
// ...
Functions support the same features as filters, except for the pre_escape
and preserves_safety
Tests are defined in the exact same way as filters and functions, but you need
to create an instance of \Twig\TwigTest
1 2 3 4 5
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$test = new \Twig\TwigTest('test_name', function () {
// ...
Tests allow you to create custom application specific logic for evaluating boolean conditions. As a simple example, let's create a Twig test that checks if objects are 'red':
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$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$test = new \Twig\TwigTest('red', function ($value) {
if (isset($value->color) && $value->color == 'red') {
return true;
if (isset($value->paint) && $value->paint == 'red') {
return true;
return false;
Test functions must always return true
When creating tests you can use the node_class
option to provide custom test
compilation. This is useful if your test can be compiled into PHP primitives.
This is used by many of the tests built into Twig:
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namespace App;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Node\Expression\TestExpression;
use Twig\TwigTest;
$twig = new Environment($loader);
$test = new TwigTest(
['node_class' => OddTestExpression::class]);
class OddTestExpression extends TestExpression
public function compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler)
->raw(' % 2 != 0')
The above example shows how you can create tests that use a node class. The node
class has access to one sub-node called node
. This sub-node contains the
value that is being tested. When the odd
filter is used in code such as:
{% if my_value is odd %}
The node
sub-node will contain an expression of my_value
. Node-based
tests also have access to the arguments
node. This node will contain the
various other arguments that have been provided to your test.
If you want to pass a variable number of positional or named arguments to the
test, set the is_variadic
option to true
. Tests support dynamic
names (see dynamic filters for the syntax).
One of the most exciting features of a template engine like Twig is the possibility to define new language constructs. This is also the most complex feature as you need to understand how Twig's internals work.
Most of the time though, a tag is not needed:
- If your tag generates some output, use a function instead.
If your tag modifies some content and returns it, use a filter instead.
For instance, if you want to create a tag that converts a Markdown formatted text to HTML, create a
filter instead:1
{{ '**markdown** text'|markdown }}
If you want use this filter on large amounts of text, wrap it with the apply tag:
1 2 3 4 5 6
{% apply markdown %} Title ===== Much better than creating a tag as you can **compose** filters. {% endapply %}
If your tag does not output anything, but only exists because of a side effect, create a function that returns nothing and call it via the do tag.
For instance, if you want to create a tag that logs text, create a
function instead and call it via the do tag:1
{% do log('Log some things') %}
If you still want to create a tag for a new language construct, great!
Let's create a set
tag that allows the definition of simple variables from
within a template. The tag can be used like follows:
1 2 3 4 5
{% set name = "value" %}
{{ name }}
{# should output value #}
The set
tag is part of the Core extension and as such is always
available. The built-in version is slightly more powerful and supports
multiple assignments by default.
Three steps are needed to define a new tag:
- Defining a Token Parser class (responsible for parsing the template code);
- Defining a Node class (responsible for converting the parsed code to PHP);
- Registering the tag.
Registering a new tag
Add a tag by calling the addTokenParser
method on the \Twig\Environment
1 2
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$twig->addTokenParser(new CustomSetTokenParser());
Defining a Token Parser
Now, let's see the actual code of this class:
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class CustomSetTokenParser extends \Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser
public function parse(\Twig\Token $token)
$parser = $this->parser;
$lineno = $token->getLine();
$stream = $parser->getStream();
$name = $stream->expect(\Twig\Token::NAME_TYPE)->getValue();
$stream->expect(\Twig\Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, '=');
$value = $parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression();
return new CustomSetNode($name, $value, $lineno);
public function getTag()
return 'set';
The getTag()
method must return the tag we want to parse, here set
The parse()
method is invoked whenever the parser encounters a set
tag. It should return a \Twig\Node\Node
instance that represents the node (the
calls creating is explained in the next section).
The parsing process is simplified thanks to a bunch of methods you can call
from the token stream ($this->parser->getStream()
: Gets the current token in the stream.next()
: Moves to the next token in the stream, but returns the old one.test($type)
ortest($type, $value)
: Determines whether the current token is of a particular type or value (or both). The value may be an array of several possible values.expect($type[, $value[, $message]])
: If the current token isn't of the given type/value a syntax error is thrown. Otherwise, if the type and value are correct, the token is returned and the stream moves to the next token.look()
: Looks at the next token without consuming it.
Parsing expressions is done by calling the parseExpression()
like we did for
the set
When encountering a syntax error during parsing, throw an exception:
throw new SyntaxError('Some error message.', $stream->getCurrent()->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext());
For better error reporting to the user, follow these recommendations:
- Use
;- Always pass the line number of the node and the source context;
- End the exception message with a dot.
Reading the existing TokenParser
classes is the best way to learn all
the nitty-gritty details of the parsing process.
Defining a Node
The CustomSetNode
class itself is quite short:
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class CustomSetNode extends \Twig\Node\Node
public function __construct($name, \Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $value, $line)
parent::__construct(['value' => $value], ['name' => $name], $line);
public function compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler)
->write('$context[\''.$this->getAttribute('name').'\'] = ')
The compiler implements a fluid interface and provides methods that help the developer generate beautiful and readable PHP code:
: Compiles a node.raw()
: Writes the given string as is.write()
: Writes the given string by adding indentation at the beginning of each line.string()
: Writes a quoted string.repr()
: Writes a PHP representation of a given value (see\Twig\Node\ForNode
for a usage example).addDebugInfo()
: Adds the line of the original template file related to the current node as a comment. It's highly recommended to call this method when implementing custom nodes.indent()
: Indents the generated code (see\Twig\Node\BlockNode
for a usage example).outdent()
: Outdents the generated code (see\Twig\Node\BlockNode
for a usage example).
For structural nodes, always call addDebugInfo()
early on in the
compilation process to improve error reporting to the user in case the code
would throw an exception.
Creating an Extension
The main motivation for writing an extension is to move often used code into a reusable class like adding support for internationalization. An extension can define tags, filters, tests, operators, functions, and node visitors.
Most of the time, it is useful to create a single extension for your project, to host all the specific tags and filters you want to add to Twig.
When packaging your code into an extension, Twig is smart enough to
recompile your templates whenever you make a change to it (when
is enabled).
An extension is a class that implements the following interface:
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interface \Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface
* Returns the token parser instances to add to the existing list.
* @return \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface[]
public function getTokenParsers();
* Returns the node visitor instances to add to the existing list.
* @return \Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface[]
public function getNodeVisitors();
* Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
* @return \Twig\TwigFilter[]
public function getFilters();
* Returns a list of tests to add to the existing list.
* @return \Twig\TwigTest[]
public function getTests();
* Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
* @return \Twig\TwigFunction[]
public function getFunctions();
* Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list.
* @return array<array> First array of unary operators, second array of binary operators
public function getOperators();
To keep your extension class clean and lean, inherit from the built-in
class instead of implementing the interface as it provides
empty implementations for all methods:
1 2 3
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
This extension does nothing for now. We will customize it in the next sections.
You can save your extension anywhere on the filesystem, as all extensions must be registered explicitly to be available in your templates.
You can register an extension by using the addExtension()
method on your
main Environment
1 2
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$twig->addExtension(new CustomTwigExtension());
The Twig core extensions are great examples of how extensions work.
Global variables can be registered in an extension via the getGlobals()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension implements \Twig\Extension\GlobalsInterface
public function getGlobals(): array
return [
'text' => new Text(),
// ...
Globals are fetched once from extensions and then cached for the lifetime
of the Twig environment. It means that globals should not be used to store
values that can change during the lifetime of the Twig environment. For
instance, if you're using an application server like RoadRunner or
FrankenPHP, you should not store values related to the current context (like
the HTTP request). If you do so, don't forget to reset the cache between
requests by calling Environment::resetGlobals()
Functions can be registered in an extension via the getFunctions()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig\TwigFunction('lipsum', 'generate_lipsum'),
// ...
To add a filter to an extension, you need to override the getFilters()
method. This method must return an array of filters to add to the Twig
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
public function getFilters()
return [
new \Twig\TwigFilter('rot13', 'str_rot13'),
// ...
Adding a tag in an extension can be done by overriding the
method. This method must return an array of tags to add
to the Twig environment:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
public function getTokenParsers()
return [new CustomSetTokenParser()];
// ...
In the above code, we have added a single new tag, defined by the
class. The CustomSetTokenParser
class is
responsible for parsing the tag and compiling it to PHP.
The getOperators()
method lets you add new operators. To implement a new
one, have a look at the default operators provided by
The getTests()
method lets you add new test functions:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
public function getTests()
return [
new \Twig\TwigTest('even', 'twig_test_even'),
// ...
Definition vs Runtime
Twig filters, functions, and tests runtime implementations can be defined as any valid PHP callable:
- functions/static methods: Simple to implement and fast (used by all Twig core extensions); but it is hard for the runtime to depend on external objects;
- closures: Simple to implement;
- object methods: More flexible and required if your runtime code depends on external objects.
The simplest way to use methods is to define them on the extension itself:
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class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
private $rot13Provider;
public function __construct($rot13Provider)
$this->rot13Provider = $rot13Provider;
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig\TwigFunction('rot13', [$this, 'rot13']),
public function rot13($value)
return $this->rot13Provider->rot13($value);
This is very convenient but not recommended as it makes template compilation depend on runtime dependencies even if they are not needed (think for instance as a dependency that connects to a database engine).
You can decouple the extension definitions from their runtime implementations by
registering a \Twig\RuntimeLoader\RuntimeLoaderInterface
instance on the
environment that knows how to instantiate such runtime classes (runtime classes
must be autoload-able):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
class RuntimeLoader implements \Twig\RuntimeLoader\RuntimeLoaderInterface
public function load($class)
// implement the logic to create an instance of $class
// and inject its dependencies
// most of the time, it means using your dependency injection container
if ('CustomTwigRuntime' === $class) {
return new $class(new Rot13Provider());
} else {
// ...
$twig->addRuntimeLoader(new RuntimeLoader());
Twig comes with a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
It is now possible to move the runtime logic to a new
class and use it directly in the extension:
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class CustomTwigRuntime
private $rot13Provider;
public function __construct($rot13Provider)
$this->rot13Provider = $rot13Provider;
public function rot13($value)
return $this->rot13Provider->rot13($value);
class CustomTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig\TwigFunction('rot13', ['CustomTwigRuntime', 'rot13']),
// or
new \Twig\TwigFunction('rot13', 'CustomTwigRuntime::rot13'),
The extension class should implement the Twig\Extension\LastModifiedExtensionInterface
interface to invalidate the template cache when the runtime class is modified.
The AbstractExtension
class implements this interface and tracks the
runtime class if its name is the same as the extension class but ends with
instead of Extension
Testing an Extension
Functional Tests
You can create functional tests for extensions by creating the following file structure in your test directory:
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The IntegrationTest.php
file should look like this:
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namespace Project\Tests;
use Twig\Test\IntegrationTestCase;
class IntegrationTest extends IntegrationTestCase
public function getExtensions()
return [
new CustomTwigExtension1(),
new CustomTwigExtension2(),
public function getFixturesDir()
return __DIR__.'/Fixtures/';
Fixtures examples can be found within the Twig repository tests/Twig/Fixtures directory.
Node Tests
Testing the node visitors can be complex, so extend your test cases from
. Examples can be found in the Twig repository
tests/Twig/Node directory.